CBD Benefits List

The popularity of CBD skincare products has been increasing due to its many therapeutic qualities. It has been used to treat the skin flare-ups in eczema and psoriasis, as well as in the treatment and prevention of acne. Some brands market it as the ingredient that has Fountain of Youth properties giving a radiant and beautiful skin. It can be quite hard to believe for first time users or those who want to try using it. So, how accurate are these claims?

What Causes Skin To Age?

It is the biological process where the skin loses its firmness and elasticity as we get older. This is because, after 20 years of age our skin produces 1% less collagen every year. As a result, the skin becomes delicate and thin, retains less moisture and the sebum production is drastically reduced. Due to the combination of these deteriorating factors, it reduces skin elasticity and its regenerative property. On top of that, the impact of environmental factors accelerates the ageing process. The UV rays from the sun and the environmental pollutants damage the already fragile skin, causing spots or hyperpigmentation and wrinkles over time.  You could mitigate these effects to an extent with proper skin care and protection.

How Is CBD Useful In Slowing Down Skin Ageing?

The predominant reason for the cannabidiols anti-ageing property is due to the high amounts of antioxidants contained in it. They help to eliminate and reduce oxidative stress due to free radicals from pollutants, UV rays, other internal and external causes. Also, its anti-inflammatory property contributes to healthy, radiant and beautiful skin. CBD skincare products usually contain hemp seed oil and it is rich in essential fatty acids, lipids and fats. This helps to improve the moisture retention, elasticity and firmness;  thereby protecting the skin. So, skincare is one of the leading components of the CBD benefits list.

Can It Be Used By People With Sensitive Skin?

The CBD product, pure CBD oil is dermatologically suitable for all skin types, and is the main ingredient of CBD skincare products. So, it can be used even by those who have allergic reactions to regular skincare products for its ability to reduce or slow down skin ageing. Besides, it can be used to protect the skin from harmful UV rays and environmental pollutants. Bear in mind it cannot reverse or undo the ageing process, but merely delay the appearance of wrinkles and reduce pigmentation. So, to get these benefits you have to use them daily.

On a final note, along with using CBD skincare products, a healthy diet will ensure that you have a youthful and radiant skin.