Benefits Of CBD Bath Bombs

When CBD is infused into bath bombs, you will get CBD bath bombs that have the added benefits of CBD. CBD bath bombs are the best way to get a spa-like feel and at the same time get ultimate relaxation and relief from body aches. CBD bath bombs are also manufactured much like regular bath bombs. The only difference is that CBD bath bombs do not contain essential oil. Instead, they have CBD.

What Is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabinoid, one of the 113 cannabinoid compounds in the cannabis Sativa plant. Even though it is found in both marijuana and hemp plants, it is mostly extracted from the hemp plant. As a result, the hemp-derived CBD products do not contain more than 0.3 % of THC, the psychoactive compound of the cannabis plant.

CBD offers a lot of health benefits. Through many clinical studies, it is now known that CBD is very effective in treating health disorders like stress, anxiety, depression, arthritis, seizures, acne, nausea, migraines, etc. It is also beneficial in treating many neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases.

How Do CBD Bath Bombs work?

When regular bath bombs are dipped into the water, they dissolve and cause a chemical reaction that creates fizziness. When CBD bath bombs are soaked into water, the CBD will dissolve in the water and enters our body through the opened skin pores, and reaches the bloodstream. The CBD will reach the bloodstream faster this way than other topical CBD products. Also, bathing in CBD ensures that the beneficial cannabinoid is distributed to the entire body.

What Are The Benefits Of CBD Bath Bombs?

Creates Spa-Like Environment

The most important benefits of CBD bath bombs are they can create a spa-like environment in your bathtub with the help of the right atmosphere. Set your bathroom like a spa using the right lighting, calming music, and warm the water to the right temperature. Add the CBD bath bombs into the warm water and soak them well for few minutes. Once the CBD starts to enter your bloodstream, you will start to experience its effects and you will start to feel relaxed.

Promotes Relaxation

We know that the use of CBD provides calming sensation and it also relieves stress. This property of CBD helps in promoting relaxation. A good bath using CBD bath bombs is more effective than using a prescription drug like Xanax which is used for anxiety relief. The interaction of CBD with the endocannabinoid system induces relaxation effects on the body. CBD also promotes the secretion of the happiness hormone, Serotonin. It also interacts with the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls emotions and memory.

Induces “The Glow”

The hot water and the Epsom salts in the CBD bath bombs increase the blood flow in your body and open up the pores in the skin and the result is a distinctive body glow. This process is commonly called the glow. Once the pores open up, the toxins in the skin flow out to the Epsom salt, and the CBD and the other essential oil will flow into the skin. This process promotes relaxation, improves mood, gives relief from sore muscles, and reduces muscle tension.

Skincare Benefits

There are many skin problems that can be treated using CBD products. CBD bath bombs are an effective way of skin restoration by preventing many skin problems like acne, psoriasis, eczema, etc. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD help in preventing the formation of acne on your skin. When you use CBD bath bombs, the CBD enters the skin and helps in reducing the secretion of sebum that may cause acne. CBD also reduces wrinkles and promotes anti-aging.

CBD Works With Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is also an ingredient along with CBD in CBD bath bombs. Epsom salts can flush out the harmful toxins from the body. It has been used in salt detoxes for over 400 years from removing toxins as well as getting relief from sore muscles, stabilizing mood, and managing your appetite. CBD also has these properties. Therefore, when both these are combined your body will get the full benefits.

Make Your Own CBD Bath Bombs

It is very easy and cheap to make your own CBD gummies. It also allows you to decide the amount of CBD you want in your CBD bath bombs. In order to make CBD bath bombs, you may need 1 cup of baking soda, half a cup of citric acid, half cup Epson salt, essential oils, 10-50 mg of CBD, water, and olive oil.

The first step in the making of the CBD bath bomb is placing the dry ingredients in a bowl and whisking them. Next, mix all the liquid ingredients in a jar and then combine the two mixtures slowly. The next step is adding color to the mixture. In the final step, place the material in the mold and let it dry for a couple of days. Once it is dried, you can enjoy your CBD bath bombs.