Legality Of CBD Oil In North Carolina

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Types Of CBD
Buying CBD Oil In NC
Buy CBD Oil In NC

North Carolina is one of the states in the US that has strict CBD laws. Even though the federal government legalized the hemp-derived CBD products in the Farm Bill of 2018, these laws do not necessarily work in North Carolina.

North Carolina passed the Epilepsy Alternative Treatment Act, or also known as House Bill 1220 in the year 2014. This was North Carolina’s first marijuana-related legalization. According to the bill, the use of hemp extracts for the treatment of various forms of drug-resistant epilepsy is legal.

The state-recognized neurosurgeon should diagnose the child with a qualifying type of epilepsy in order to be eligible for using hemp extract for treating the condition. According to the law, children with this condition are allowed to use hemp extract with at least 5% CBD content and less than 0.9% THC content.

Buying CBD Oil In NC

Most of the CBD products such as CBD gummies, CBD vapes, CBD oil, CBD capsules, etc. are marketed like black market products due to the legal status of CBD in North Carolina. This has many consequences like people are not free to probe the quality of the products and if the product is of poor quality, they have nowhere to report.

This black market-like environment is the main reason why most of the CBD products sold in North Carolina are of low quality and pose many safety concerns. A lot of the CBD products contain chemical ingredients and the CBD is extracted with sub-standard extraction methods.

The only way to avoid these subpar CBD products is to buy CBD products online from state manufacturers. Most of these manufacturers provide only good quality, well-vetted CBD products and they do business in an open, free, and competitive environment, which forces them to improve the safety and quality of their products through innovation.

How Can You Buy CBD Oil In NC?

If you want to buy, use, or possess CBD oil products in North Carolina, you need a medical certificate. It is illegal to buy CBD products without medical certification in North Carolina. After the legalization of hemp-derived CBD products in the United States, some CBD manufacturers shipped their products to the people in North Carolina, who do not qualify under the Epilepsy Alternative Treatment Act. Even though it is illegal, many CBD vape shops all over North Carolina sell CBD products to the public for treating health disorders like anxiety, insomnia, pain, migraines, etc.