CBD For Menstrual Cramps

CBD is used for a variety of purposes, including pain treatment, anxiety management, etc. While more studies on CBD’s pain-relieving properties are needed, the existing evidence is fascinating. CBD may help in relieving menstrual cramps and other period-related symptoms, including headaches, sore breasts, lower back pain, etc. Many women who are using CBD during their periods have reported that they experienced a significant reduction in abdominal pain.

CBD is being used by millions of people all around the world because of its therapeutic properties. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD are proven to be very helpful in managing several types of pain that affect the body. That means the use of CBD may offer some sort of relief from menstrual cramps.

CBD For Menstrual Cramps

Doctors usually prescribe NSAIDs for managing several menstrual symptoms. However, the problem is that these anti-inflammatory medications can cause severe side effects. Also, these mediations won’t work if the cramping is severe. Some experts suggest that the use of CBD could help with menstrual cramping without causing any stomach issues or other side effects.

Women with endometriosis rated cannabis or CBD oil as the most effective pain reliever, according to a 2019 study, when compared to physical therapies like yoga and stretching, and other treatments. The survey did not, however, identify whether CBD oil or cannabis was more useful. There is currently no research on the benefits of CBD on menstruation cramps, specifically CBD.

Applying CBD gel to rats, lowered inflammation levels in the joints and alleviated pain with minimal side effects, according to a 2016 study. These characteristics may help alleviate severe period cramping and other unpleasant symptoms, such as migraines, that occur during your period. However, studies show that THC and CBD perform effectively together. That means you should buy a full-spectrum CBD product to better manage your menstrual pain.

Choosing CBD Products For Managing Menstrual Cramps

You’ll probably want full-body effects for menstruation pain, so choose a pill, gummy, or tincture. For back or muscle discomfort, a topical gel or lotion might provide focused relief.

To make sure that the CBD product you chose is of the highest quality, check the product’s third-party lab testing report. If the product doesn’t have one, then it is probably fake and you should look for CBD products that are tested in independent labs.

If you’re looking for pain treatment, certain topical products, such as arnica, contain extra pain-relieving components. Arnica also possesses warming effects, which may aid in the relief of period-related stomach pain.